StuntBusters: Like MythBusters, But With More Exploding Death

Normally I leave the television you can write about without expressed, written consent to Warming Glow, but the first episode of ‘StuntBusters’ debuts Tuesday night on Speed and I felt it contained the right amounts of things exploding and women in heels surfing the hoods of cars to justify itself as a sports recommendation.

If the headline synopsis didn’t do it for you, perhaps the hilariously-direct “viewers can expect to see us blowin’ up cars” in the clip will win you over. Worst case scenario, you’ll watch it and go “oh wow who is this blonde lady” and google “Vanessa Vander Pluym” for the next forty minutes*.

A quick synopsis from the official website:

Stuntbusters is going to explore and explode motoring myths as we reveal the facts and figures behind the latest, fastest and hottest automotive technology on earth! Join our two fearless human crash test dummy stunt drivers, Garrett Hammond and Vanessa Vander Pluym, as they take it to the redline and beyond using our high-tech test lab equipped with cutting edge automotive technology and eye-popping graphic interfaces. Each high-octane experiment will be captured at one thousand frames per second; allowing us to slow the action down and dive into the physics behind the vehicular carnage!

I have it on good review-copy authority that future episodes of the show feature men on fire, people shooting guns at cars to make them explode (for science!) and a standard 99% chance of someone blowing something up and walking away from it without looking back. For science. I know that sometimes I walk a progressive line with this blog, but I hope we never get to the point where beautiful people firing rifles into gas tanks becomes a thing we don’t want to see.

For archiving reasons I am re-purposing this website as a chart for all the times this show makes me go “oh sh*t” at my television.

*She played Stacy in the ‘Parks and Recreation’ episode ‘The Banquet’!