Vote For Today's With Leather Upset Of The Day And Win Another T-Shirt

Yesterday’s first installment of our With Leather March Madness Interactivity Extravaganza taught me two things:

1) I suck at naming things.

B) March Madness is the funnest for real, you guys.

I have to admit, I’m a bit relieved that Long Beach State didn’t pull off the upset over New Mexico, because that seemed to be the popular choice yesterday and I didn’t want to have to tell any precious faces that they weren’t getting With Leather t-shirts, because I want you to love me like Kate Upton dressed as a sexy Santa Claus… holy hell that needs to happen.

Sorry, I got distracted. So it turns out that 6 of you maniacs emulated my brilliance by choosing VCU as the upset of the day, and bingo bango bongo you’re all getting With Leather t-shirts. Mainly because I need to get them out of my office already. Sadly, this generosity might not be able to carry over, so enjoy it while it lasts, winners:

Erswi (I’m putting yours in a bottle and throwing it into the Gulf of Mexico, so keep an eye out)


Bodhi Zafa

Roddy Piper

Tom Selleck’s Mustache


UPDATE: Total egregious oversight on my part, Colorado’s late upset of UNLV also earned t-shirts for:



Email me your addresses to and I’ll throw your vintage tees in the mail. And I swear they won’t take a month like the last time. Now, on to today’s prize, the With Leather second edition t-shirts.

Same plan as yesterday – vote in the poll (for my well-being) and submit your upset pick and final score in the comments. Up to 5 winners will receive t-shirts this time, so make sure your crystal meth ball is polished.

(A few rule additions: If there are multiple upsets, the winners will be the closest scores from each upset; Scoring will be determined by closest winning score, over or under; Attractive girls who want a shirt and promise to send a pic of them wearing it AUTOMATICALLY WIN.)