Minnesota Twins Bat Boy #cantgetit

Yesterday we shared with you a clip of Philadelphia Phillies ballgirl Genevieve Haney snagging a foul ball and paired it with a dozen or so Instagram photos of her sunbathing or hanging out with the Phillie Phanatic. Genevieve loved the post and shared it with her friends, because that’s how she rolls.
Now, on the opposite end of that coolness spectrum we have Tuesday night’s Minnesota Twins ballboy. In this GIF (courtesy of the always stellar Tom Fornelli at South Side Asylum), the poor guy is tasked with taking Ryan Doumit’s bat and royally eats it, slipping on the grass and nearly taking Doumit down with him. He gets a pat on the butt for his troubles, and sad Charlie Brown walks back to the dugout knowing only Doumit, the people in the stands, the people watching at home and everyone on the Internet noticed it.
Much like the lovely Geneieve, Minnesota Twins bat boy is a big fan of Instagram, so I’ve put together a collection of my favorite snaps from his collection. You’ll really want to see these.

I appreciate you clicking that and all, but, uh
shit, I didn’t think anybody was gonna click that. I got nothing.