Donald Trump & Bill O’Reilly Doing The Wave: As Joyless As You’d Imagined

If you’re having trouble thinking of a whiter, more joyless thing than “Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly watching a baseball game together”, try adding “and doing the wave during a Yankees loss at Yankee Stadium” to the end of it.

Their reactions are pitch-perfect. Trump watches everyone have fun, then does a terrible version of the wave himself about five seconds too late. O’Reilly keeps time with the wave but only does it with his index finger, rolling his eyes with the rest of his body as it passes.

I can’t really blame Bill for this one. The wave is dumb, and my reaction to it at games isn’t much different. Actually, wait, I can totally blame them for this. After it was done, O’Reilly chastised President Obama for letting the wave happen in what’s SUPPOSED to be a free country, and Trump took credit for starting it. That felt good!

[h/t to Outside The Boxscore]