The Real Winner Of The 2012 Summer Olympics? Fans Of Camel Toe

You know, I’m a little disappointed in myself, because I told myself last week, “Burnsy, you’re special, you’re a winner, don’t listen to those mean commenters, and… remember to Google search for ‘2012 Olympics camel toe’.” And I totally forgot. Not that I wanted to spend an entire week in a dark room, scouring the Internet for pictures of female athletes with really tight uniforms, but if it’s for the sake of our glorious legions of With Leatherians, then I’m going to do my best.

Unfortunately, today’s top camel toe story (stoery?) comes from writer and licensed insurance agent Mike Stafford at Literary Dysfunction. Last week, Mike wrote a piece about his thoughts on the 2012 Summer Olympics, which included some shots at our favorite meme-source McKayla Maroney, and he slapped a fun title on it – “And the gold medal for best camel-toe goes to…”

Just one problem, though… Ain’t no camel toe involved, and that might be a little misleading to the Internet’s finest pervs. Mike wrote a follow-up about his surprise when he pulled up his inbound traffic search results and found out how new readers were finding his website.

Yeah, that first one up there. Not cool, Internet. Not cool at all. She’s 16, for the love of everything sacred. I feel like I need a shower just seeing that. It took me all of about 6 seconds to find a Tumblr called 2012 Olympic Camel Toes. So go get your fix over there and leave the good, honest bloggers like Mike alone.


(H/T to Fark.)