With Leather’s Wild Art Gallery: The Amazing Animated Basketball Comics Of ‘BounceX3’

As someone who follows quite a few web comic series and has started and forgotten a few of his own, I’ve always gotten a kick out of people who give the artists and authors crap for not posting frequently enough. It’s like, “Hey dick, you’re not producing your free Internet content at a pace that is conducive of my unappreciative viewing experience, and that makes me hate you!” I actually like those types of trolls – those that call themselves “fans” – better than the “This thing you made sucks” crowd, because they feel like they actually deserve the right to criticize someone’s work.
That said, someone introduced me to the web comics of artist J.O. Applegate during the 2012 NBA Playoffs, and I write with completely aware irony today – HE DOES NOT POST HIS COMICS ENOUGH.
Applegate’s web comics, known collectively as Bounce Bounce Bounce or BounceX3, are mostly standalone jokes about certain players or the NBA experience in general, but his takes on fan and player behaviors are so dead on and hilarious, especially his latest work after the jump, that I almost consider them therapeutic to look at when I think about how insane most NBA fans are.
Most of all, I’m jealous of the awesome way that Applegate ties GIF animation into his comics, because I’m still trying to figure out how to do that and I should just probably realize that I’m a big ol’ dummy already. Alas, I digress. After the jump, I’ve included Applegate’s most recent efforts, dating from the start of this season to last season’s playoffs, and if you’re an NBA fan, you should absolutely follow him and complain like an impatient child like I do when a day goes by without a new comic.