Somebody Make ‘Here Comes Ronda Boo Boo’ A Real Show

Ronda Rousey won Female Fighter Of The Year at the Fighters Only World MMA Awards, but I’m willing to vote her into an Emmy, Academy Award, Slammy, The Soup Award or anything else you can win for effectively mocking a 7-year old reality television star.

What follows is Here Comes Ronda Boo Boo, a pretty self-explanatory riff on TLC’s ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ that reveals the secret to Rousey’s MMA success: she downs a Gatorade bottle full of Go Go Juice between rounds and wins to keep her beloved pig “Glitzy” from being slaughtered. It’s funnier than it should be thanks to Ronda’s on-point comedic timing, but I don’t want to compliment it too much, because there’s a 60% chance that Mama June is being played by MadTV’s Will Sasso.

Anyway, check it out. If you don’t like it, you better redneckonize.

That’s a star-making performance if I’ve ever seen one. It’s just like when Gina Carano got cast in Haywire, except Ronda gets to keep her real voice. Or Honey Boo Boo’s voice. Whatever.

[via Fighters Only Magazine]