Slow Down There, Go Daddy Nerd

Last week, we showed our respect and quasi-admiration to a young actor named Jesse Heiman because someone at Go Daddy’s ad agency thought that he was king dork enough to make out with super duper model Bar Refaeli for the company’s Super Bowl ad. The commercial was certainly far better than the past several years of Go Daddy’s “Hey, check out our large-breasted models and Danica Patrick” efforts, which while right up our alley, were far less than creative.

Alas, friends, there is a much darker side to Super Bowl ad fame that has been a relatively unspoken terror in the past, but now it is coming to the forefront of pop culture news, thanks to Mr. Heiman thinking he’s Senor Big Sh*t all of a sudden.

“I’ve actually had guys tweet me that they wish they were me, and girls tweet me saying they wish they were Bar.”

But the interest from the ladies isn’t just from the cyber variety — Jesse explains, “I have girls run up to me and take pictures with me, tweet me for dates.” (Via TMZ)

It’s almost as if Manti Te’o never existed and fell for a fake online relationship with a girl that he never met, because she was actually his gay cousin/family friend pretending to be a girl and then pretending that she died, only to reveal that it was all a hoax in December, which confused Te’o so much that he still acknowledged her as a real person up until the BCS Championship and when companies began calling him for endorsements.

Although I suppose that Heiman would be more familiar with that reference if his name was Han Te’o. What about your career, Heiman? When can we expect to see you starring in Die Hard From An Asthma Attack?

Jesse tells us his career has also exploded … saying, “There are lots of inquiries coming in to my agent and manager, their phone has been ringing off the hook, but they are really letting me enjoy the moment right now.”

Eh, who the hell am I kidding? If I were in this kid’s shoes, I’d already be in jail for breaking into Refaeli’s house and screaming, “DIDN’T THAT KISS MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU?” while soiling myself.

What do you think about that, Bar?

Aw, I thought so.