Todd Helton's Arrest Adds Another Classic Photo To Our Athlete Mugshot Archives

Few things gets us Interweb bloggy types more fired up than when an athlete gets arrested, as it gives us a chance to be indignant, poignant and self-righteous if that athlete hurt another person (or worse) or it allows us to make endless jokes at that athlete’s expense. More than anything, I think we love when athletes get arrested because they give us awful mugshots, like the Todd Helton YOLO face seen above.
How exactly did Helton’s consistent bat land him in the police blotter this week? *makes drinking motion with hand, pinky out* Allegedly.

“Last evening, I exercised poor judgment and was charged with drinking and driving after driving to a gas station near my house,” Helton said in a statement released through the team. “I am very sorry and embarrassed by my actions. I hold myself to a high standard and take my responsibility as a public figure very seriously. My entire career I have worked to set a positive example for my family and in our community and I fell far short of this standard.” (Via the L.A. Times)

More specifically, TMZ noted that Helton and his $141.5 million bank account were purchasing lottery tickets in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, after he had reportedly been drinking wine out of plastic cups. Hey, nobody ever said that nine figures can buy a fella class.
That said, the question of the day – Is Todd Helton’s mugshot the worst athlete mugshot ever taken? I say no, but it’s pretty damn close. I’ve included most of my favorites after the jump so you can develop your own educated opinions or add any that I may have forgotten in the comments.
All in all, I’d have to say that The Big Show’s mugshot is probably my favorite. But Jennifer Capriati’s mug also reminds me of a love I once had many, many years ago.