Jump Rope Girl #cangetit

What the what.

This video features Adrienn Banhegyi.

She performs with Cirque de Soleil, and holds two world records for jump roping!

What you’re about to witness is the most ridiculous display of jump roping I’ve ever seen. Adrienn is advertised as JUMP ROPE GIRL – WORLD’S BEST JUMP ROPER, and I’m not going to argue. She jumps rope on location in Budapest, Hungary, and some of the stuff she does is so fast and complex you have to rewind to catch it. I didn’t know you could throw around the jump rope while jumping rope and still keep jumping rope. I don’t even know how to phrase “jumping rope” properly. SHE JUMPS THE SHIT OUT OF SOME ROPE

Here is your new athletic overlord:

Here she is at her day job, which is almost as awesome:

In a better world, this lady would have Kim Kardashian’s fame and money. Call me, Jump Rope Girl. I know we don’t have much in common, but I am willing to hurt myself on a jump rope every day for the rest of my life.

[h/t Reddit]