The 15 Most Important GIF Life Lessons We Learned From ‘Chappelle’s Show’

After so many reclusive years spent not earning $55 million from Comedy Central, Dave Chappelle is back in the news and the world is better off for it. He’s touring, he’s on Prince album covers, he’s going viral, and today, he’s celebrating his 40th birthday. In honor of all things Chappelle, let’s take a look back at some of the most important lessons we learned from his greatest cultural achievement: Blue Streak. Unfortunately, the Internet is sorely lacking in Blue Streak GIFs, so I GUESS we’ll do Chappelle’s Show instead.

1. Jacket worn as capes make all outfits that much better.

2. Do what makes you happy.

3. It’s OK to curse at your children if they’re SO wrong.

4. Moisturize.

5. Don’t challenge Prince to a pick-up basketball game. Just…don’t.

6. Looking for a good time? RHYME. (Also, treat yo’ self.)

7. Godzilla’s a bitch.

8. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, so you’ll never be at a loss for free crack.

9. Don’t piss off Wayne Brady.

10. One man’s pleasure is another woman’s we’re done here.

11. Cambodian women from the Bronx make the finest breast milk.

12. Why is Dylan the best rapper in the world?

13. Cocaine is one hell of a drug.

14. A sound financial decision: diversifying your bonds.


(GIFs via)