Cut Copy Channels ‘Planet of the Apes’ In ‘Blink and You’ll Miss A Revolution’ Video

It’s obvious that a lot of effort went into producing Cut Copy’s Planet of the Apes-inspired video for “Blink and You’ll Miss a Revolution.” It features apes finding the body parts of the band’s members in a cave, which they use to put on a concert. Then they just go, well, bananas. Yeah. Hell yeah.

I’m not sure how much how much weed was smoked in the process of coming up with the concept for this video, but I’m guessing it was a lot. Regardless, it was worth it: this may be the funniest video I’ve seen in 2011. And so topical, as ape takeovers are quite hot these days! No, seriously, the primates really are taking over, btw…

(HT: Death and Taxes, sniper monkey pic via)