Hear Kurt Cobain Discuss His Childhood And His Sexuality In This Lost 1993 Cassette Tape Interview

One of my favorite things going on the internet these days is PBS’ “Blank on Blank” series, in which they take lost/forgotten audio interviews with iconic people, toss in some animation and upload the video to YouTube. (If you missed them, the Louis Armstrong, Jim Morrison and Wilt Chamberlain interviews are all outstanding.)

In their latest offering, a 1993 interview on cassette tape with Kurt Cobain is animated. In the interview, Cobain discusses his childhood as an outcast (“You know, I felt so different and so crazy that people just left me alone. I always felt that they would vote me ‘Most likely to kill everyone at a high school dance.'”) and his sexuality (“I even thought that I was gay. I thought that might be the solution to my problem.”), among other things.

(Via Slate)