Will ‘Breaking Bad’ Spin Off ‘Better Call Saul’ Be A Sequel And A Prequel?

Still recovering from the “Breaking Bad” series finale? Well here is a little medicine to help soothe your seething withdrawal, “Better Call Saul” could reportedly be both a prequel and a sequel to the much heralded series.

Is anyone thinking what I’m thinking? Walter White ghost action? No?

IGN sat down with Bob Odenkirk to pick his brain about the upcoming spin-off and revealed that the project might be more than we expected when it comes to the saga of Walter White.

“Well, I’ve talked to Vince [Gilligan] and Peter [Gould], who are writing and creating the series, about this and I’ve said that a lot of people do want to see what happens to next to Saul. So, I don’t know what they’re going to do. I know they’ve talked about prequel, but they’ve also talked to me about sequel, and they’ve also talked to me about a mix of prequel and sequel.”

And now the excitement begins to boil over. Couple this news with the fact that writers will begin crafting the show in a few weeks and I’m right back in with high anticipation and irrational thinking. If I knew a time traveler, they’d probably get punched in the face right about now.

The interview also dives into the process in making Saul the character that blossomed on the screen and Odenkirk’s influence on his backstory:

“I’m approaching this the way I approached Breaking Bad, which is, ‘Vince, you write it and then you hand it to me and I will figure out my part.’ And I will not try to own the universe, or tell you what happens, or dictate anything. I will do the job of an actor, which is take the script, study it, think about it, feel it and ask myself, ‘Who is this person is and how do I be him?’ It’s been incredibly freeing to do that.”

With “Mad Men” ending next year as well, I’m sure AMC is chomping at the bit to make sure this show fills voids and creates a presence early in its run. I have little doubt this show will be enjoyable, even if it has the colossal specter of ‘Baby Blue‘ hanging over top of it. And that’s just from the names involved in production.