Here’s A Video Of Tom Hiddleston Singing ‘Stand By Me.’ You’re Welcome.

OK, hear me out: I’m looking for funding for my new website. It doesn’t have an official name yet, but I’m thinking something like, Tom Hiddleston, Alison Brie, and Benedict Cumberbatch GIFs and Videos and Only Tom Hiddleston, Alison Brie, and Benedict Cumberbatch GIFs and Videos, or HidBrieCum for short. It’ll be the most successful website in the history of websites, and you can be a co-URL owner for the low, low price of…

See. You forgot what you were doing. Such is the power Hiddleston has over the Internet. Anyway, to wet your willies, here’s a video of Loki himself singing “Stand by Me” in a car, just because.