Obama Made A Vine For #SFBatKid And The Mayor Of San Francisco Gave Him The Key To The City

If you thought one of the greatest examples of humanity’s potential for greatness — BatKid day in San Francisco — was done, well, you were wrong. As I write this, San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee is presenting 5 year-old Miles with the key to the city. The city’s chief prosecutor also released indictment papers for The Riddler and The Penguin. 5 year-old me is seething with envy right now.

And if that weren’t enough, President Obama sent Miles a personal message via Vine.


So why don’t you take a second and make a donation to the Make-A-Wish foundation, won’t you? Without their work, none of this would have happened.

(Screengrabs via CSN Bay Area’s Live Feed)