What’s On Tonight: The Two-Part Finale Of ‘The League,’ ‘South Park’ Does ‘Game Of Thrones,’ Naked People

The League (FXX, 10:00 p.m.) – Season finale. The League wraps up another year with a two-part finale that will feature guest spots by Aziz Ansari and Lizzy Caplan. This show will never top the Rafi and Dirty Randy road trip episode.

South Park/Key & Peele (Comedy Central, 10-11:00 p.m.) – Part 2 of the South Park‘s ???-part Black Friday/Game of Thrones/Xbox/PS4 extravaganza. They can do whatever they want tonight. They won me over forever with the thing at the end of last week’s episode with Kenny’s “dragon.”

Arrow (CW, 8:00 p.m.) – Tonight, Oliver figures out the Count has escaped from prison after the designer drug Vertigo is discovered in Diggie’s bloodstream. If the actual episodes are as fun to watch as the descriptions are to type, I need to binge-watch Arrow pronto.

Law & Order: SVU (NBC, 9:00 p.m.) – Midseason finale. From TV Guide: “Rollins’ friend claims she was raped by her lover, but the case is challenging to prove. Things get further complicated when a murder occurs, a love triangle is exposed and Rollins is forced to reveal personal info on the stand.” I give that plot 4 out of a possible 5 SVUs.

Buying Nude: The Naked Realtor (TLC, 10:00 p.m.) – There is now a reality show about nudists buying houses.

Top Chef (Bravo, 10:00 p.m.) – The chefs have to cook a 300-lb. hog. THREE HUNDRED POUND HOG, YOU SAY? WELL I GUESS SOMETHING SOMETHING ROB FORD SOMETHING CRACK.

LATE NIGHT GUESTS: Idris Elba and Rene Redzepi on Kimmel; Jennifer Lawrence on Letterman; Nikki Reed on Ferguson; Blake Shelton and Kathie Lee and Hoda on Leno; Will Forte and Charlie Wilson on Fallon; Tom Brokaw on Stewart; M.I.A. on Colbert; and “San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy” on Conan.