Black Star (Talib Kweli and Yasiin Bey, AKA Mos Def) Performed On Colbert Last Night

If you’re one of the many bummed out that Black Star — the hip-hop duo of Talib Kweli and Yasiin Bey, the artist formerly known as Mos Def — cancelled the remaining dates on their U.S. tour over a pissing match with LiveNation, fret not as much, for they were on the Colbert Report last night tearing it up.

The two sat down for an interview before debuting a brand new single called “Fix Up.” They then broke out the wayback machine and performed the Mos Def & Talib Kweli are Black Star classic “Astronomy (8th Light)” as a web exclusive. The interview and the two performances are all after the jump.

Here’s the interview before the performances…

Here are the two debuting “Fix Up”…

And here they are performing “Astronomy (8th Light)”…