Miley Cyrus Is Probably Going To Be TIME’s Readers’ Person Of The Year

While TIME’s choice for 2013 Person of the Year shall be known only by the magazine’s publisher and editors prior to an official announcement on December 11, we can keep tabs on the race for the readers’ choice for Person of the Year right on TIME’s website. And sure enough, people have been picking the most influential political leader and cultural icon of the year in… Miley Cyrus. Well, nobody ever said that sticking your tongue out at every possible opportunity wasn’t influencing desperately-needed change in global politics, so perhaps 19.6% of online voters aren’t wrong.

Coming in second thus far is Egyptian General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who listened to the voice of the people in the Tamarod movement back in July and removed President Mohamed Morsi from office to become a hero to millions of Egyptians and people around the world. But did he sing “Wrecking Ball” in front of a crying animated cat at this country’s 17th most important music awards ceremony? I think not.

UPDATE: I should have known it was those crazy kids at 4Chan that were behind this. Miley ended up losing, though, but heck of an effort, Internet.

That .5% for Vince Gilligan? It’s just me clicking refresh and voting every 10 seconds. Voting ends at 11:59 PM ET on December 4.