‘Community’ Is Back In Less Than A Month

Community coming back doesn’t invoke the same sort of excitement as it used to — I’d say it’s somewhere between “return” and “much-anticipated return.” Blame a disappointing fourth season, constant Chevy Chase drama, and no Dan Harmon(‘s alcoholic genius). But I’m cautiously excited for the October 19th of 2014, January 2nd, when the Greendale Seven, I mean, Six, I mean, Soon-To-Be Five return to make Thursday nights on NBC not so awful.

You can watch a brief promo below, which doesn’t show any of the season’s nine million guest stars, including Vince Gilligan, Walton Goggins, Nathan Fillion, David Cross, Questlove, Brie Larson, and Jonathan Banks, but hey, how you doing, Alison Brie? I’m suddenly ready to say “Community‘s much-anticipated return.”