Of Course Ted Nugent Groped Himself Onstage After Shredding The National Anthem At A Trump Rally

Ted Nugent stepped away from the political arena at some point within primary season. Perhaps he was busy nurturing his big-game hunting fetish or, you know, touring like musicians do. For whatever reason, he disappeared after bemoaning “heartbreaking” Megyn Kelly during his naked gun-cleaning sessions, but the Nooge is back like he never left. In the above clip, he can be seen grabbing his own package and screeching, “I got your blue state right here, baby! Black and blue!”

This display took place, of course, at a Donald Trump rally in Sterling Heights, Michigan. Nugent performed a 30-minute set filled with talk of freedom and deer hunting along with a hefty dose of immature humor and a few songs. He began by shredding the National Anthem and then rambled for awhile as “sh*tkickers” dropped out of his mouth at regular intervals. The gist was that Michigan contains “the hardest working sh*tkickers mankind has ever known,” and he urged blue-collar workers to choose Trump as their champion.

The self-declared “gay vegetarian pirate” and “Motown black man” received hefty cheers throughout his appearance. Here’s a video that includes his whole set, and it’s really … something. The groping setup occurs around the 8:00 minute mark.

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