Despite her tragic and untimely death during Season 2 of Daredevil, Elodie Yung will return to the Marvel television universe with an appearance in the freshman season of Netflix’s The Defenders. Yung’s sword wielding crime fighter, who burst back into Matt Murdock’s life after they were once lovers and fighters side-by-side, didn’t last the entire Daredevil season. But unlike some in the Marvel universe who are gone for good once they die on screen, Elektra will be back in action – at least in one way.
According to reports from Entertainment Weekly, Elektra will be back fighting in the same battles as Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist. Except this time she won’t be fighting with them, but against them on the side of The Hand. The Hand is the reported first season enemy for The Defenders, and was also the mysterious cabal that viewers saw taking Elektra’s corpse during Daredevil‘s last season. Elektra had been under control of The Hand and was trying to move away from that life to be with Matt before she died. Now, she is back under their thumb – as is “Black Sky,” which made her the intense killing machine she was.
Yung’s portrayal of Elektra wasn’t perfect, but it was a far cry from Jennifer Garner’s panned performance in the 2003 movie. Elektra brought some much-needed female badassery to Daredevil (please, please give Rosario Dawson some more to do if she returns!) and switched between ferocity and sympathy with ease when called upon. Her return should be positive news for fans, as many thought that her story wasn’t done after her first story arc concluded. How much more difficult will it be for Matt and the rest to overcome The Hand’s power now that it its confirmed they will have Elektra’s powers under their control? We guess that’s why they will have to work together in order to win when the series finally premieres in 2017.
(via Entertainment Weekly)