The Heartbreaking Sight Of Luke Kuechly Being Carted Off In Tears Spawned An Outpouring Of Support

Carolina Panthers linebacker Luke Kuechly missed three games last season with a concussion and it’s likely that another one brought him to tears as he was carted off the field on Thursday night. Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth speculated at the time that it was a leg injury but it was the helmet of New Orleans Saints running back Tim Hightower that appears to do the damage.

It was as if Kuechly simultaneously didn’t know where he was and realized that because he didn’t know where he was, it scared him enough that it brought him to tears as he seemed to be gasping to catch his breath.

Kuechly is one of the more well-liked players in the league and he received some support in the form of tweets last night and into today.

(Also: Saints running back Mark Ingram appeared to be knocked unconscious before leaving the field for good. Football is great!)

The Panthers have yet to update Kuechly’s status.