James Gunn Just Made A $100,000 Bet With a ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Fan

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 director James Gunn is still being asked about the first film. Why? Since it’s been released, even the most dedicated fans haven’t been able to find the last Easter Egg in the film. Gunn is ready to prove it truly exists by putting a whole lot of money where his mouth is.

If you’re a big Marvel cinematic universe fan, you probably know Gunn put a lot of Easter Eggs into Guardians of the Galaxy. You might also be aware that as of starting production on the sequel, fans hadn’t been able to find one of them. Whether it’s just too well hidden or glaringly obvious, it’s remained undiscovered until this very day.

Gunn decided to answer some questions on his Facebook page (as he does quite often) while he was stuck in traffic and was asked about this once again by a fan. “Do you plan on revealing the big easter egg from guardians? I know you get asked it a bazillion times. Could you maybe give us a hint where to look,” they wrote. Gunn replied quite simply, “No I don’t plan on revealing it.”

But not everyone was satisfied with that answer and one fan even decided to call him out on it. They wrote, “He won’t reveal it because it doesn’t exist. The ultimate troll.”

So what did Gunn do? Did he get him locked up in the Kyln? No, he’s too nice for that. He replied, “Tanin Moores If there is no Easter egg I will give you a hundred thousand dollars – copy this post – I will consider it a legally binding contract – signed, James Gunn.” And here’s the photographic proof.

Ok, but is he really going to give this fan $100,000 if it turns out there isn’t one more Easter Egg? “Yes I’m serious,” Gunn added. Wow. That’s one lucky fan, especially since they don’t have to do anything. Of course, we’re pretty sure Gunn knows his own work. In all of this, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is: What if the Easter Egg is an actual Easter egg? Now that would be the ultimate troll.

(Via Comics Alliance)