This Australian Soccer Player Stopped A Tournament Final To Rescue An Injured Seagull

Australian soccer team Melbourne City just picked up the club’s first trophy win, defeating Sydney FC in Australia’s Westfield FFA Cup final. Tim Cahill managed to score the winning goal in the 1-0 game, but the win is being adorably overshadowed by the one thing that seems to get most North
Americans to care about soccer: animals on the field.

Shortly after what turned out to be the game-winning goal, Sydney FC keeper Danny Vukovic called for a stoppage in play. The ball had struck one of the seagulls that had been flying around the pitch because, you know, Australia. Stoppage granted, Vukovic carefully picked up the injured bird and gingerly carried it to safety at the sidelines. After a few reassuring pets on the head, Vukovic returned to his net and the game resumed. “He’ll be pretty safe in those big hands,” remarked one of the commentators, probably while mentally outlining his next goalkeeper fanfiction.

After recuperating with the sideline attendants, the seagull was taken down the tunnel to be released. The seagull triumphantly returned to flying over the pitch, because birds have very tiny brains and are sometimes very very dumb.

Given how utterly terrifying Australian wildlife can be, let’s hope a soccer ball to the head is the worst thing to happen to the little guy.

h/t Fox Sports