You Can Now Buy Ribs And Craft Beer Together From A Drive-Through, Thanks To This Converted Burger King


Pretty much every restaurant chain has a drive-thru window. Heck, even the bank has one. But, there’s never been a drive-thru window at a brewery. That is, until now.

If you live in or around Boulder, Colorado, you’ll be able to grab a sixer of craft beer just as easily as your favorite peppermint mocha starting in January. That’s when the aptly-named Uturn BBQ will open in Lafayette, Colorado. Barbeque will be center stage, but the’ll also be brewing their own beer. And both these things will be able to be purchased in the drive-thru.

“We wanted to offer the whole package with one stop,” Weston Trapp, head of marketing, told Westword.

The new restaurant/brewery combo will be located in a former Burger King, so it’s already set up with a drive-thru. Will that kind of gimmick be enough to make Uturn a huge success? Considering how long we’ll wait in line for munchkins at Dunkin’ Donuts or Cheetos anything at Taco Bell, just because it means we won’t have to get out of our cars, you’d better believe that people will do the same (or more? Probably more!) to get their hands on craft beers and hot barbecue!

But remember: just because you can buy beer from a drive-thru window doesn’t mean that you can drink it while you drive. You’re probably better off saving the bbq until you get home, too. Sauce stains can be rough on the upholstery.