Let’s Talk This Week’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Goes ’90s, ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Wraps Up

Last week on The Flash, Barry learned that time travel is irresponsible and that he should not solve his problems with time travel. This episode, the trailer makes it look a lot like once again he’s trying to solve his problems with time travel. Somebody page Kara so she can cross realities and slap him upside his head.

We also get to see John Wesley Shipp pull on the togs as a Flash again, as he’s called in to help Barry deal with Savitar. We’re sure that, paired with Barry’s issues with his parents, won’t blow up in anybody’s face, especially since this is the midseason finale. That’ll air tonight at 8pm EDT on The CW. Hey, speaking of midseason finales!

Agents of SHIELD wraps up for a brief hiatus, as it’ll be back January 10th, by sending it its three top superheroes against a guy who can spontaneously impale people, while John Hannah’s life model decoy/Weird Science tribute that learned black magic is building itself a brain out of eldritch energies. Admittedly, SHIELD doesn’t know about the latter but the former they, uh, should probably have a better plan than sending in their best team members. Like, maybe figure out where he is and pound it with bombs? Also, there’s a Stargate to hell sitting around, which will probably come into play. We’ll find out at 10pm EST on ABC. Join us, won’t you?