The ‘Westworld’ Team Of J.J. Abrams And HBO Will Attempt To Colonize Space In ‘Glare’

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J.J. Abrams has his fingers in a lot of pies on TV: He was involved in Westworld, for example, which spun out of his involvement with Jonathan Nolan on Person of Interest. And he and HBO are teaming up again to look at just how we’ll colonize another planet in Glare.

No, it will not be about the overuse of lens flare. Instead it’ll look at the day-to-day issues associated with trying to turn some rock in space into a place humans would actually want to live. Abrams being Abrams, it’s also likely this planet has some undiscovered residents who are not enthused about the new neighbors, but we’ll see. The actual writing of the show falls to Javier Gullón, who wrote — among other things — the well-received Jake Gyllenhaal thriller Enemy and has a few major screenwriting awards under his belt. So it’s in good hands.

As to when we’ll see it, that’s a good question, especially since the second season of Westworld is arriving in 2018, and colonizing even a fake planet isn’t cheap. But then again, neither was crashing a bunch of kinda horrible people on an island, and that worked, so keep an eye out as 2017 progresses.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)