Kevin Durant Finally Revealed His Real Height After Years Of ‘Messing’ With Everyone

For whatever reason, Kevin Durant has always lied about his height. Well, maybe not lied, but he at least insisted that he’s 6-foot-9, like in the above interview clip from earlier this year, and that’s obviously not right. When he’s on the court next to the NBA’s seven-footers, Durant looks exactly the same height, so obviously we’re not buying his persistent claims that he’s only 6-foot-9, even if it is the nicest height. Unless, that is, he’s wearing lifts in his basketball shoes, which could only be defended if the child actors he steps in for just won’t stop growing.

For perspective, this tweet made everyone laugh earlier this year because, come on, man.

Now, though, the nation can breathe a sigh of relief. Durant finally revealed to KNBR’s Bob Fitzgerald that he’s been lying to us all along. Shock. Gasp. Shattered monocles.

Durant: Since I love you guys so much… I was recorded at 6’10” and ¾ with no shoes, so with my shoes on I’m seven feet.

Fitzgerald: So, the 6’9” thing, we can just put that in the past.

Durant: I just like messing with people.

There you have it. Durant is just a merry prankster who likes telling people that he’s shorter than he actually is, because people ask him about it all the time, so why not have a little fun with it? Of course, we knew the one exception: The ladies. Durant previously admitted that he always tells women that he’s a seven-footer, and they probably believe him because they have eyes that work.