Chance The Rapper Spreads Cheer On The Last Christmas With Barack Obama On ‘SNL’

Chance The Rapper didn’t turn down the chance to star in his own SNL sketch, a fine ode to Christmas, Run DMC, and the final holiday with President Barack Obama. Not only do we get a breakdancing Jesus, but DMC himself makes an appearance, making it a truly special final Christmas before Donald Trump takes over the White House and Christmas is canceled, I guess.

Yeah, this is another sketch that takes a shot or mentions Trump and the exhaustion is real, but I’ll accept it when it involves classic hip hop and Christmas. Also Chance is pretty damn good at this whole rap thing, so that makes it acceptable too. While it is unlikely that Christmas will be ruined for the next four years, it’s a fun song and probably one of the best SNL Christmas tunes since the one with the ladies of the cast going home for the holidays.

Also nice to see people point out that Santa was the original cranky old man in a red hat. Chance The Rapper can be our new Santa Claus. He’s positive, nice, and I don’t think he’d have trouble sliding down the chimney to spread joy around the globe. Also he’s got that Kit-Kat connection. Make it happen!

(Via Saturday Night Live)