Liam Hemsworth Poses For Awkward Christmas Photo With Miley Cyrus’ Family

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Society tells us the holidays are a time for joy and giving, with peace on Earth and goodwill towards men. Clearly, “society” has never had to deal with juggling multiple Christmas’s with extended family plus all the added pressure of making sure it looks like you’re having the Best Holiday Ever™ on Facebook. Winter activities are only fun if you are surrounded by like-minded people and not bitter jerks you moved away from specifically to avoid and/or people you’d never associate with if they hadn’t produced the one person on Earth you’re in love with. So for everyone who’s ever had to shove their face into a rictus grin for hours in order to not “ruin Christmas” when dealing with eccentric in-laws, Liam Hemsworth is your new avatar.

In a time-honored tradition, Miley Cyrus brought Liam home for the holidays. The event was captured for posterity on Brandi Cyrus’ Instagram account and the results are… mesmerizing. If there was ever a time to sing “One of these things is not like the others” now is that time. Hemsworth’s posture, his half-smile, his thousand-yard stare will be familiar to anyone who prepares for the holidays with tinsel-tinged war paint. Of course, Liam had to know what he was getting into. After all, he and Miley have been previously engaged. If anything, his willingness to be in this photo is the loudest declaration of love he could possible make.

So just remember that when you’re knocking back eggnog to numb the pain of dealing with people you can’t believe you and/or your significant other are related to, Liam Hemsworth knows your pain.

(Via ET)