Cory Kluber Hit A Coyote In The Ass With A Fastball

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Did you hear the story about how Cleveland ace Corey Kluber found a coyote eating his stocking chocolate over the holidays and promptly super-murdered it into 60 billion pieces with a fastball covered in the blood of the righteous? If anything like that rings a bell, it’s because a report from Christmas Eve sparked the imagination and the legend grew online to the point where Kluber has cleared up what went down between himself, a coyote and a sports orb.

In a (since deleted) tweet, writer Rob Bradford shared an interesting December tidbit about the multimillionaire hurler: “From someone close to situation: Corey Kluber recently got rid of coyote in backyard of new Mass. home w fastball to animal’s ribs. #legend”

Naturally, a story of man vs coyote garners a bit of attention. The franchise’s director of baseball information Bart Swain reached out to the pitcher for a recap of what happened. Cleveland’s Plain Dealer has the bluffer’s guide.

Kluber told Swain the coyote was pacing in front of his house. He threw a baseball at it, hitting it in the rear end, near the tail. The coyote left the scene at warp speed. End of story.

Have fun spending 2017 wondering if Kluber envisions the strike zone as looking like a coyote’s ass.

(Via Fox Sports)