A Heat Fan Nearly Got Crushed By A Door During An On-Court Promotion Gone Wrong

One summer during college, I had a job as one of those people at minor league baseball games who convinces fans to play games on the field in between innings. To do this, they needed to sometimes sign waivers that basically said they won’t sue anyone if something goes awry during their game.

This was the first thing my mind went to when I saw this clip of a woman nearly getting flattened by a door during a Miami Heat game, because man, this was really close to being terrifying. The Heat were doing an on-court game where contestants apparently had to put a keycard in a hotel room door. The woman who won seemed stoked because she won a pretty sweet vacation package, but that excitement went away once the flimsy door she walked through fell on her.

According to the graphic that went up on the screen, the woman won a three-day, two-night stay at a resort that included a $100 gift card to a restaurant and complimentary spa service. Hopefully after this happened, she got pulled aside by someone in the Heat organization and found out her trip would be twice as long with an extra gift card or two. Oh, and that person better have given her some aspirin, because there’s no way her head doesn’t hurt.

(Via Deadspin)