The Playboy Club Is Coming Back, And So Are All The Scantily-Clad Bunnies

There’s nothing quite as glamorous as being served an old-fashioned and a basket of fries by a woman wearing a tuxedo leotard and a pair of bunny ears (don’t forget the tail!). But for a long time, the entire nation had to suffer due to the fact that Playboy Clubs — places where one would have to present a key to someone whose job title was “door bunny” — kept closing, despite the fact that even our President was a fan. Soon, there were no Playboy Clubs anywhere on the East Coast and the world was a cold and empty place devoid of all pleasures.

Not anymore! It’s a new year, a new era, and, apparently, the perfect time to reintroduce the world to “urban sophistication,” which is really just a fancy way of saying “those tuxedoed bunnies you were missing so much? They’re baaaaaaaaack.”

From Playboy’s announcement of the club, which will open in New York City (which now also boasts a Cheesecake Factory):

The space will feature a lounge area, a game room and a full-service dining room, but by far the most attractive feature of Playboy Club New York will undoubtedly be the return of the Playboy Bunnies to Manhattan. The alluring Playboy Bunny hostesses, waitresses and cocktail servers have a worldwide, well-deserved reputation for their style and graciousness. The décor will feature elements from the sexy and sophisticated aesthetic of Playboy’s rich history integrated with the energy of New York, one of the world’s most exciting destinations.

No word yet on whether the club will feature former playmates as hostesses, but considering the history, it’s highly possible that a Miss May or a Miss November could decide to do a #TBT and get a gig at the new club. Perhaps Holly and Kendra will show up, too. Maybe it will be the location of Dani Mathers’ apology tour. The sky’s the limit!

We don’t know if another Playboy Club is what the world needs right now, but we’re hoping it’ll last longer than the television series, which ran for three episodes and reminded us that Eddie Cibrian will never catch a career break (he caught a nice break from genetics) due to the powerful curse Brandi Glanville had placed on him after he cheated on her with LeAnn Rimes.