Selena Gomez’s ‘Passion Project For Netflix Teases Intrigue, Paranoia And Some Rather Damning Cassettes

Pop sensation Selena Gomez has other things on the go besides romance and rump showcases. She’s also been flexing her executive producer muscles shepherding Jay Asher’s best-selling YA book Thirteen Reasons Why to a binge-friendly life on Netflix. Gomez was more than happy to give fans a peek at what’s in store with her new project via Instagram teaser excitement.

Gomez, star of cinema’s Getaway, doesn’t appear likely to pop up on-camera in the upcoming teen-oriented series. That’s alright. This early tease shows a gaggle of capable younglings, plus there’s loads of death, questions and worried looks carefully stuffed into this early trailer.

“I’m about to tell you the story of my life,” begins one of these telegenic whippersnappers. “More specifically, why my life ended.”

Thirteen Reasons Why, which has Oscar-minted director Tom McCarthy helming the first two episodes, will also justify your decision to keep that water-damaged collection of tapes in your mom’s garage. At least, that’s what Billboard‘s description of what’s to come suggests.

The series follows the story of teenager Hannah Baker — who has recently committed suicide — when her classmate Clay Jensen receives a set of cassettes from her following her death. Hannah explains the cassettes detail the 13 reasons why she took her life — each being a specific person she says contributed to her decision.

That certainly sounds like the sort of drama that will be devoured in one extended sitting. Thirteen Reasons Why is slated to debut on Netflix on March 31.

(Via Billboard)