This ‘Blade Runner’ Fan Film Will Tide You Over Until ‘Blade Runner 2049’ For A Fraction Of The Price

Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner will finally get a sequel courtesy of Arrival director Denis Villeneuve. Blade Runner 2049 will see the return of Harrison Ford’s Deckard and a new Blade Runner played by Ryan Gosling working to deal with some new conspiracy that could bring down society. It’s easy to get too excited with just that information, but you have to stay grounded. This could always be a disaster.

But to keep your hopes up until October, fans have a little shining light out of Croatia. Director Luka Hrgovic and his friends put together a trailer for their fan film Slice Of Life, finding themselves telling an original story inside the world of Ridley Scott’s classic film. Obviously, there’s going to be some issue with Warner Bros. and copyright, but for right now the group is looking to Kickstart their way to a completed film according to The Verge.

The interesting part is that the Blade Runner connection just happened and they didn’t intend to make a film that takes place in that universe according to The Verge:

Hrgovic described the film as being about a “low-life drug dealer who tries to turn his life around but finds himself at the mercy of fate when he encounters a cop with an agenda of his own.” The movie doesn’t include the original film’s Richard Deckard but follows the “lives of other characters that are trying to make a living in the dangerous streets of futuristic Los Angeles…

“The idea to connect it with Blade Runner came later,” he explained, “We always wanted to pay tribute to Blade Runner in some way, [so] we decided to set our story in the Blade Runner universe and Los Angeles of 2019.”

From there, Hrgovic and his team created something that is pretty damn good for a fan film. Even better, they achieved it using some old tricks from the filmmaking vault:

To get the look and feel of Blade Runner, Hrgović explained that the crew used old-school techniques: miniatures, back projections, matte paintings, and other practical effects. They each come from the advertising industry, and they’ve worked on the film when they’re able. “Only five people were involved during the whole production,”

The eventual Kickstarter will seek $30K to complete the 20-25 minute film and the trailer is a good way to make it to that goal. For now, you can check out plenty of behind-the-scenes looks at the group’s Twitter and Facebook pages. If anything, it’s sure to help build interest for the official sequel in October.

(Via The Verge / Slice Of Life)