Rob Gronkowski Dressed Like A Caveman And Joined Terrell Owens To Celebrate For T-Mobile

Rob Gronkowski isn’t playing in the Super Bowl for the New England Patriots, but he still got to spike a football on television’s biggest stage.

Gronk and Terrell Owens probably aren’t having their ideal weekends. The Patriots tight end is injured, while Owens was snubbed for the Football Hall of Fame for a second straight year. That didn’t stop them from helping out a cell provider for fun and profit. “Celebration expert” Justin Bieber hosted the spot that showed the history of celebrations, showing Gronk execute the first high five somewhere in the stone age.

Bieber then tosses Gronkowski a football which he, of course, spikes. Way to stay on brand, Rob.

Owens then shows up to show off a few of his classic celebrations, including grabbing a cheerleader’s pom poms and giving them a shake. Bieber even has a box of popcorn for the sequence, a nod to another of his famous touchdown celebrations.

As astutely pointed out by a few people on Twitter, Bieber did bear a bit of resemblance to a commercial star from years past.

Gronk later showed up in a commercial for Tide, because he’s not nothing better to do today than dance and offer Terry Bradshaw a shirt. It’s been a really weird football season, you guys. Probably best it ends here.