Roseanne Just Learned Who Lady Gaga Was During The Super Bowl And It’s Safe To Say She’s A Fan

Lady Gaga gave the Super Bowl halftime performance to end all Super Bowl halftime performances during Sunday night’s face-off between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots, when she literally launched herself off of the top of the Houston NRG Stadium arena roof, catapulting down to perform a killer set of some of her biggest hits. It was stunning, nothing short of breathtaking, and reminded everyone of why Gaga is one of the all-time greats.

Well, reminded almost everyone, anyway. No one was more stunned by Gaga’s performance than Roseanne Barr, who — like millions of Americans — was watching the big game. These days Barr mostly uses Twitter to tweet conspiracy theories or support of Donald Trump (which are not necessarily mutually exclusive), but Sunday night Barr took to Twitter in admiration of Gaga, who she says she had apparently never heard of before.

After being quickly and playfully lambasted by her followers, because — how? why? wait, really? — Barr took the opportunity to poke some fun at herself.

She also made a comparison that Lady Gaga probably never gets tired of hearing.

We must have all missed the beaver shot though. Pretty sure people would have had some Things To Say about a wardrobe malfunction of that magnitude.