A London Theater Had Some Fun With The Oscar Debacle Before A Showing Of ‘Moonlight’

Almost 72 hours later, the infamous Best Picture Oscar mess that mistakenly gave La La Land the trophy over Moonlight for a hot second is still in our newsfeeds. While the investigation into precisely what happened continues, many are taking the mistake in stride and having some fun with it. Like the independent Rio Cinema in Dalston, a district in North East London, where theatergoers thought they were about to see the real Best Picture-winner Monday night.

According to Time Out, the Rio staff decided to feign confusion in the projection room and screen 20 seconds of La La Land instead of what everyone in the theater was expecting. “It wasn’t the actual feature film, but a few seconds from a teaser trailer,” the on-duty manager told the outlet. “We shut it down, and did a bit of fumbling to make it look like we made a mistake.” Luckily for said manager and the other Rio staffers, everyone expecting to see Moonlight quickly caught on and responded with laughter, cheers and a “huge round of applause.”

Seeing as how Moonlight, and not La La Land, is the real Best Picture Oscar winner, Rio Cinema decided to extend the film’s engagement for a full week beyond the awards show weekend. Hopefully everyone who decides to see the movie then realizes the high probability of their being pranked, and responds with amusement instead of social media-induced outrage.

(Via Time Out)