‘Becky With The Good Hair’ Is The Beyonce-Inspired ‘Jeopardy’ Category The #BeyHive Has Been Waiting For


Beyonce runs the world. This much is common knowledge at this point, even if the Grammys aren’t completely on board. With that position of power, Bey is still a prominent force in the entertainment industry even as she’s away growing children inside her body in her effort to further popular the planet she basically owns, evidenced by the newest Jeopardy category created in her honor.

The crew behind the show conjured up the incredible category “Becky With The Good Hair,” which drew scrunched faces from the guests on the show but a ton of correct answers. Unlike the last time the show paid their respects to Bey, this category wasn’t just a series of Beyonce trivia questions, nor was it about Jay Z’s alleged and maybe completely fabricated for the sake of art mistress, or a play on the euphemism for white women. Instead, it was all about famous Beckys.

The lone male contestant Todd stood and watched idly as Shawn and Allison cleaned up the category, with the answers ranging from Becky on Cheers, Tom Sawyer’s crush Becky, a Becky from Empire, to Becky from the novel Vanity Fair and a mysterious Becky as the $2,000 answer they never got to. All in all it was good fun and even more fodder for the #BeyHive in the fight to prove Beyonce’s supremacy.