Premiere: Acceptance Unveil Their Beautiful New Light-Painted Video For ‘Fire And Rain’

After a decade-long absence, Seattle rockers Acceptance triumphantly returned last month with the Aaron Sprinkle-produced Colliding By Design, their first LP since 2006’s Phantoms. The record shot to No.1 on the Billboard Heatseakers chart, and fans around the world rejoiced in light of the band’s reunion. A month removed from the release of Colliding By Design, Acceptance is ready to the hypnotic video for the latest single “Fire And Rain,’ which we are premiering exclusively above. Featuring some incredible light painting and double-exposed imagery, the video was directed, produced, and edited by Matthew Ryan Ford.

On the new video, Acceptance guitarist Christian McAlhaney said:

With the video for “Fire and Rain,” it was vital, as it will always be, for us to push ourselves to best represent the songs from Colliding by Design in a visually unique way that captures the feelings we attempted to convey with the song. We are so thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with Matthew Ryan Ford and produce this video, and we really think this visual representation adds a different dimension to our song. Thank you for watching!”

Colliding By Design is out now on Rise Records. Stream it below via Spotify.