Taylor Swift Is Reportedly Launching A Streaming Service As Part Of Her Quest For Total World Domination

Remember back in 2015 when Taylor Swift threw shade at Spotify, wrote that open letter to Apple about properly compensating artists for their streams, and then Apple bowed down before her and changed their policies? That was a pretty big deal at the time, leading Apple Music to become the only streaming platform to feature Swift’s music.

Now we are in 2017, where Swift’s world domination isn’t just a possibility, but also likelihood. The 1989 singer is reportedly working to launch a streaming service of her own. According to TMZ, Swift “filed docs giving her the right to brand a website ‘featuring non-downloadable multi-media content in the nature of audio recordings.'” This descriptions seems to be leaning toward a streaming service, which she supposedly wants to call “Swifties.” But streaming is just the start. the TMZ report continues, saying that “Swifties” will also be a line of music products, including “guitars, guitar picks, guitar straps and drumsticks,” as well as organized retreats, online educational courses, and more.

With the papers now filed for whatever “Swifties” will become, it seems like the follow-up to 1989 might be coming sooner than Ed Sheeran made us think. Looks like we’re not going to get “a full year of just all Ed, all the time.”