Patrick Stewart Is Sticking Up For Medical Marijuana As Both An Advocate And A Patient

Medical marijuana, though it has been legalized in many US States in recent years, is still a controversial thing and is even currently under attack by the US government — a member of which recently called it “only slightly less awful” than heroin. It should go without saying that the effects of heroin, both physically and economically, are far worse than marijuana’s overall effect on people’s lives. However, many states and countries are still skeptical of legalizing marijuana, even if it is only legal for medical purposes like reducing nausea of cancer patients or glaucoma (ahem, “glaucoma” treatment.

The UK is one of those countries, and in support of recent research initiatives X-Men and stage actor Sir Patrick Stewart voiced his approval of not only the research efforts but the effects of medical marijuana based on his own use. The actor revealed,

“Two years ago, in Los Angeles, I was examined by a doctor and given a note which gave me legal permission to purchase, from a registered outlet, cannabis-based products, which I was advised might help the ortho-arthritis in both my hands. This, it would seem, is a genetically-based condition. My mother had badly distorted and painful hands.”

“I purchased an ointment, spray and edibles. The ointment, while providing some relief from the discomfort, was too greasy to use during daytime and so I only use it at night.”

That is some pretty extensive experience with a variety of medical marijuana methods and products, so Sir Patrick looks to be a good source to be publicly supporting the impending research. He also relayed just how effective each method was for his specific ailments.

“It helps with sleep as the pain was reduced. The spray, however, is much more usable and I spray my fingers and particularly my thumb joints several times a day.

“The spray very quickly evaporates and leaves my hands quite dry, though with a slight burning or tingling sensation, which is not unpleasant. I believe that the ointment and spray have significantly reduced the stiffness and pain in my hands. I can make fists, which was not the case before I began this treatment.”

That seems to be working for him! The same methods and products will of course not work for everyone, and results may vary, but since Sir Patrick Stewart is a knight (hence the “Sir”) his input should at least make some waves with public opinion throughout the country. What well-meaning person could dismiss heartfelt advice from Pat Stew himself?

(via NME)