Adele Says She May Never Tour Again During The Last Stop On Her ’25’ Tour

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Adele announced that she may never tour again during the last show of her 25 tour.

According to the NZ Herald, the woman single-handedly holding up the music industry told an Auckland crowd that they might be watching her last ever show.

“Touring isn’t something I’m good at,” she told the audience of 40,000 fans. “Applause makes me feel a bit vulnerable. I don’t know if I will ever tour again. The only reason I’ve toured is you. I’m not sure if touring is my bag.”

As far as last shows go, it was pretty epic. Fan footage of the set show that she performed the set at the outdoor Mt. Smart Stadium in spite of a heavy downpour. She was also interrupted by some of the country’s ickier wildlife.

After seeing that, we can’t say that we blame her. A Kiwi bug showdown is enough to make anyone reconsider their life choices (though it’s not the scariest critter that the belter has faced down). And this will give her the time to indulge her true passions: Beyonce advocacy and drunk tweeting.