Chipotle Has Completed Their ‘Clean Tortilla’ Quest, Making Them A Preservative Free Chain

Shutterstock / Chipotle

Despite a slew of bad luck in the past few years, Chipotle is taking a victory lap at the moment. The company has done away with most GMOs and antibiotics in past years, but now they are claiming to be the first chain to serve food that’s preservative free. The company’s new “clean” tortilla helps to push them over the cliff, offering a meal that’s as real as you can find in fast food. In a statement, the company revealed,

So, we’re proud to announce that our tortilla is the final item on our menu to now be made with only real ingredients. Not only does that mean a better tortilla and a better tasting burrito, but it also officially makes us the only national restaurant brand to serve food with no added flavors, colors, or preservatives.

Chipotle is quick to add that they are free except for “lemon and lime juices, which can be used as preservatives,” though the restaurant claims to use them only for taste. According to Grubstreet, the effort by Chipotle has been two years in the making and part of a “quest” by CEO Steve Ells for a better tasting tortilla. With the achievement, Chipotle’s menu reportedly stands at 51 ingredients that customers can “visualize immediately” when ordering. It’s grand feat and a nice confidence boost following their string of food poisoning outbreaks. It shows you what some brand loyalty, free burritos, and an attempt to change directives can do. Then again, they released a video of a rapping tortilla to celebrate their new “all natural” identity, so maybe it’s better to just call it a draw?

(Via Chipotle / Grubstreet)