If you’re like us, you’re probably trying to limit the amount of sugar you take in. This is an extremely difficult feat, because it seems like there’s sugar in literally every single food we eat. Bad teeth, heart disease, liver disease, type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s, plus it’s one of the leading causes of obesity in America? This sounds worse than any other white powder on earth!
The desire to cut out sugar is noble, but in practice it’s damn near impossible. Especially when we slow down enough to realize that our “zero calorie” sweeteners are absurd. Just think about it, what haszero calories?
According to a recent YouTube video — starring a kid who is smarter than all of us — zero calories, like unicorns and partisanship in politics, is just a myth. Not only are these so called “zero calorie” sweeteners not devoid of calories, they actually contain more sugar than real sugar! How can that be? Allow Alex from Technicality Studios to explain:
Alex wondered if Splenda and other sweeteners were actually the “healthy replacement for sugar” that they claim to be. The fact that the brand has the word, “zero calorie” in the name should make one assume that they are in fact zero calories. But, after an elaborate test in which he determined the amount of glucose (a fancy word for sugar) in each sample he found that Splenda actually contained more glucose than traditional table sugar. That means Splenda has more sugar than sugar. Try to wrap your head around that one. Actually don’t, you might hurt yourself.
Not only that, he emailed customer service at Splenda and asked how many calories were actually in the packets. He was told that there are four calories in each packet. One gram of regular sugar is also four calories and one packet of Splenda is a gram. That means that putting Splenda in your coffee is literally the same as putting sugar in your coffee. Also, the reason they are allowed to say the packets contain zero calories is because the FDA allows any product with less than 5 calories to be marketed as having none. “That means you can’t trust any food that has zero calories,” he said.
Maybe the key to cutting down on our sugar intake isn’t to ingest mass-produced sweeteners and zero energy flavored water. Just try your coffee without sugar tomorrow morning and see how you like it. Or grab a plain old bottle of regular water. It’ll hydrate you and you won’t have to worry about sinister sugar you didn’t expect.