Alex Jones And His ‘Performance Art’ Get Flamed On ‘The Daily Show’

Lordy, it has been a memorable string of months for Infowars leader Alex Jones. Not only has been thrust into the mainstream thanks to his relationship with Albino Assassin Roger Stone and President Trump, but he’s also had some influence when it comes to the major moments of the day. They’re negative moments, like the Pizzagate controversy, but they’re still influential and they gave him a fair amount of attention during election 2016.

Now obviously the legend of Alex Jones extends further back than just the 2016 presidential election. He’s a man that snuck into the mythical Bohemian Grove, held a bullhorn at Ground Zero to claim the September 11th attacks were an inside job, and said that the Sandy Hook massacre was a false flag operation and nobody died. I would say allegedly and reportedly there, but Jones has broadcast these views out on his show and has sometimes defended them on national television. Take his memorable throwdown with Piers Morgan for example, with Jones passionately defending gun ownership by screaming, “1776 will commence again!”

But that’s apparently the catch with Alex Jones. The yelling, the shirtlessness, and the conspiracy theories are all part of one big performance. This came to light during his recent court appearances over custody of his children and highlighted the downside of his new mainstream existence. Jones’ antics and the claims by his wife’s legal team slithered their way into the headlines, filling the public with dreams of chili amnesia and the image of a man who goes shirtless more than Tarzan.

As Trevor Noah points out above, Jones joins a list of people who made clear that their wild sides were just performances. Alex Jones from Infowars is now just a character that’s separate from Alex Jones the real person. All of the yelling and use of foul language on a Christian show — his words — are nothing more than an act.

The problem with this, outside of the courtroom at least, is that Jones’ claims have had a major effect on some of the decisions our president is making. There are consequences. As Noah says, “Alex Jones may not get his children back, but at least he has custody of the most powerful child in the world.”

(Via The Daily Show)