The Internet Roasted The Cowboys Player Who Got A Potato Chip Tattoo On His Shoulder

Athletes love to tell you that they’re playing with a chip on their shoulder, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone take that saying as seriously as Cowboys cornerback Anthony Brown. On Friday, Brown briefly posted a picture to Instagram of his latest tattoo, which is quite literally a potato chip, like a Ruffle, on his shoulder.

I understand what he’s trying to do here, I really do, but man this is not a good tattoo. The post is no longer on Instagram, probably because he was getting unceremoniously roasted by people on social media. Unfortunately, you can take a post down, but it — like that tattoo — will live forever because the internet has screenshots and never forgets. At least Brown had a good laugh about the whole thing on Twitter.

Sometimes you can be too clever and too woke for your own good, and this is a prime example of that. Also, Brown needs better friends around him, because a good friend would tell you that this was a poor decision and talk you out of it — or just clown you until you decided against it, either way. However, here we are in a world where someone is going to be playing NFL football with a potato chip tattoo. Welcome to 2017. Anyways, Twitter had plenty of fun with Brown’s unfortunate tattoo. Many of the questions had to do with why the tattoo artist didn’t try to talk him out of it.