Hassan Whiteside Got Hilariously Existential With A Bunch Of Marine Life

Miami Heat player Hassan Whiteside is known for having an entertaining Snapchat, but this week he stepped his game up. The NBA center went looking for some off-season guidance from some unlikely sources. Whiteside sought gym advice from his OGs — older koi fish:

OGs, I need guidance. I’m about to go to the gym, what do you want me to work on? The 3-pointer. Okay, I’m there, I’m working on it.

For the record, his younger koi are adorably known as his ‘Young Gs.’ Whiteside also got existential with a baby octopus he found on the pier, dubbing him Christopher Columbus and asking him life’s toughest question:

Baby octopus, I need guidance. Is it called sand because it meet between sea and land?

While Koi may not be the smartest of fish, octopuses are incredibly intelligent. And I mean they are scary smart. Most of you will probably remember being charmed by the predictive abilities of Paul the Octopus at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre in Germany. Beyond that, octopuses have incredible observational learning skills, can camouflage themselves against man-made patterns they’ve never seen before, solve puzzles, and are amazing escape artists. If I were Whiteside, I’d seek that little fella out and start running plays past him. Maybe then Miami would make the playoffs.

h/t Alysha Tsuji at FTW