‘SNL’ Nails What TV’s First Black ‘Bachelorette’ Will Have To Put Up With In This Cut For Time Sketch

Saturday Night Live predicts misery in Rachel Lindsay’s future. It’s not that the show doesn’t think she’s capable, it’s that they know the first black Bachelorette in the franchise’s history will be subjected to a f*cking parade of uncomfortable moments as she attempts to find Mr. Right. BRING ON THE CRINGEWORTHY SUITORS!

Cut for time from the charmingly silly Chris Pine hosted episode was this Bachelorette parody that does forecast good things for how the show will handle race. Y’know, using past performance as a bit of a measure. Sasheer Zamata plays the hapless romantic that has to deal with woke bros, clueless dopes and some total butt bloats for reality TV.

“You know, we both have something in common,” flirts Pine’s would-be Romeo. “We are both systematically oppressed. White males are the new minority…”

As a complete package, it’s similar to the roll call format of the show’s stockpile of Bachelor parodies, but with the skewering of culturally tone-deaf wads that the show has been doing a bang-up job with lately.

Sean Spicer channeller and all-around excellent host Melissa McCarthy returns to the show on May 13. ‘Want You Back’ pop-rock combo Haim serves as the evening’s musical guest.